The current pandemic has resulted in many millions of people working from home. Many have been strictly office based up until this point, and so it marks a significant shift in terms of the working day.
Even before these difficult circumstances, much research has been done around how to ensure high productivity while working from home.
We’ve brought together some simple tips to help you get through your current workload:
Make your surroundings as comfortable as possible
If the room that you’re working in has a window, sit near to it, ideally positioned so that you can easily look to the outside. As well as this, adjust your thermostat so that it’s a pleasant temperature.
Dress as you normally would
It’s easy to get into bad habits, such as staying in your pajamas or even working from your bed. If you normally wear a shirt and tie, stick with it. Dressing the same as when you’re at the office will help to promote the same levels of productivity.
Make your office separate
Although it’s not always possible, you should try and clearly define your office space. Use a room that you typically wouldn’t go in after work hours. If you are confined to your bedroom, try and separate the work area by using a makeshift shield.
Don’t be afraid to fill your day with meetings
Having a number of meetings every day is certainly no bad thing. Not only does it help with collaboration, it also allows for a level of socialisation that you may be struggling to achieve elsewhere.
We hope these tips are useful. Try and stay positive during these difficult times and always consider your mental health. For more information on our course on remote working, please click here.
Staying Productive While Working from Home